Welsh international football star, Jessica Fishlock MBE, recently tied the knot at Sant Ffraed House, based at the heart of her home country, Wales. Renowned as the first Welsh football player to earn 100 caps for the national team and marked as the five times winner of Welsh footballer of the year, Jessica tied the knot to fellow sports star, Tziarra King, American professional soccer star. We caught up with Jess and Zee about their gorgeous wedding.

How did you first meet?

 We met at football; we were both on the same team. Zee and I played professional in American at the time. I was back home playing for Reading on loan during the pandemic and then during that time, Zee got traded and I had missed preseason. When I got back, my best friend said, ‘I can’t wait for you to meet Zee you’re going to love each other’, she didn’t mean it like that, but we did.

How long were you together before you proposed? How did you propose?

We were together for just under 2 years. We didn’t have a proposal, we were just both thinking the same thing and one day I said to Zee, do you want to get married? I wouldn’t have been able to pick a ring that Zee would have liked, she’s so specific with what she likes, so I wanted her to choose what she wanted, so we went to the shop together and she picked her favourite, after trying them all, she finally found one.

Where did you get married?

 Sant Ffraed House 

What attracted you to the venue? 

We agreed Zee wanted to get married in Wales, it wasn’t a choice. I was on camp and I couldn’t get in to see Sant Ffraed House because of my camp and American schedule. I’d just arrived home, and I sent my mum and sister to the venue, as I was so jet lagged.

I’d given my card to my mum and when I woke up, I had this charge on my card, so I rang my sister and mum and said what’s happened? They told me there was no point looking anywhere else as I wouldn’t’ find a venue like this. They took loads of videos, for me and Zee to look at.

I didn’t get to see the venue until a month later. I fell in love with the venue from videos, but they did not do it justice, it is so beautiful. Zee was home Christmas time, so we went to see it together for the first time. I knew she’d love it, but I wanted her to see it in person, she loved it from the photos but in real life it’s more amazing.

We didn’t look anywhere else; it was so beautiful we couldn’t go anywhere else.

What did you have for food and how was it?

The food was sensational! We had the garden soup to start, and Zee had French onion soup. For mains, I had the pork and Zee had the lamb, and then for dessert I had the pavlova and Zee had the chocolate chox bun, it was so amazing.

My mum went for a cigarette during mains, and I kept stealing some of her food. When she got back, she was questioning why she didn’t have any cracking from the pork, but me and my dad stole it.

The food really was beautiful, and the service was incredible, so many people afterwards were in awe of the service, it was a topical conversation, how the staff went around the tables, it was so seamless. It was incredible.

What was your wedding theme?

We didn’t have a theme, we just wanted to get both cultures respected within the entire couple of days. From the food and the drink to the music, we I think we did a pretty good job of it.

What stationery did you have?

A table plan and seating chart.

What did you wear? Tell us about your gown…

Zee wore a plunge neck, backless, lace dress with a gorgeous train and an incredibly beautiful long vail. Both our dresses had lace and a little bit of sequins.

Mine was high neck, with long sleeves. The back was cut out, but it was attached at the top, and I had this lace detail all down the side of the dress. I had an obscenely long train; it was so big, I loved it!  

Was it your dress what you had in mind?

Yes, I have a very specific style when it comes to dresses and going to formal events. When I went to get my MBE, I had a similar style dress which I didn’t realise. I knew I wanted a high neck and long sleeve dress, and I started my search in Laura May in Cardiff. I got everything from back home (Cardiff).

I saw two dresses that I liked, one had the train, the lace and the sequins, and the 2nd dress had the high neck and long sleeves. I asked the lady in the store, if they could put the two dresses together as I loved the pattern and lace of one dress but wanted the high neck and long arms of the other, and she said the designer would do it, so I had a custom piece. I was more the diva when it came to the dress which not many people would have thought. Zee got her dress from a 2nd hand store, and it fitted her perfectly.

How did you feel when you first saw Zee at the altar?

I’m re living it right now, I could have cried in any moment that day, but I didn’t want my makeup to run, and I wanted to enjoy it.

I remember seeing Zee and she looked so beautiful, my whole body was shaking. I just remember thinking I couldn’t wait for her to be right by my side, so I could hold her hand and relax a little bit. I knew I was getting overwhelmed, and everyone was staring at me walking down the aisle, and I just needed her to calm me down.

I was going through a lot of emotions, but my initial reaction was she was outstandingly beautiful in every single way.

Tell us about your bridesmaids, who were they and where did you get the dresses from?

I had 6 bridesmaids and Zee had 5, their dresses were from an American website Azizie, they specialise in all things bridal.

We were originally going for champagne-coloured dresses. Zee and I were travelling one day to a game and whilst on the flight, Zee text me and I’m sat right next to her, and her message said she wanted to change the colour ways, she thought I’d go mad, but I was open to the idea. It was 3 months before the wedding, but the team at Azizie were great, and I’m so glad we did change them because the mix of green was so beautiful.

What was your best memory of the ceremony?

There are so many! Honestly, I think saying our vows was incredibly beautiful and I loved the string quartet, I could have listened to them for hours. Zee and her mother had a mother of the bride dance which was amazing and super emotional. You could see how strong their relationship was between them through the dance.

What was your first dance song?

Sweet sympathy by Joy Oladokun and Chris Stapleton

How did you entertain your guests?

We had a band, Summer Sons and a DJ, Boutique Disco

What was the cake like?

We had a three-tier cake. One tier was a sponge cake, one was carrot cake, and the other was coffee.

How did you feel on the day?

I was pretty chilled. I enjoyed everyone getting ready in the morning. It doesn’t take me very long to get ready as my hair is short, so I wasn’t stressed or rushing around, but then when it got close to the ceremony, I had this weird emotion which I’m not sure what it was. I was waiting to go down the aisle, and this feeling I had, I never experienced before it was crazy, but then once I saw Zee, I just relaxed and had the best time, we were ready for party mode and ready to have the best time with all our friends and families.

Have you been on your honeymoon yet, if yes, where did you go and how was it?

We went on a mini moon to LeMat in Switzerland for 5 days, and once the football season is over, we’ll go on our proper honeymoon.

What’s your top tip to future couples getting married?

Our wedding wasn’t super traditional, we really wanted to enjoy every moment together. When Zee was getting ready in the Honeymoon suite at Sant Ffraed House, I popped in to see her, but not for long, only to say good morning. We wanted to experience the day together so after the ceremony we stayed together, and we saw everybody together. We made an effort to visit each guest table which was nice for us and nice for the guests.

Remember the day is a celebration of you both, the more you can enjoy it together the more it will really enhance your day.